steve christie apologist

They wanted people following scripture even if they were wrong. As Christians, we should not believe things that contradict the Word of God. And Steve has not ruled that out. It would behoove us, then, to follow in their example and praise the gift of Gods word that comes to us in these writings and critically examine arguments such as those presented by Steve Christie that would tempt us to reject a portion of Gods sacred revelation. And so to say, who believed the exact same way that I believed? So some of this has been answered, but he seems like hes asking, could a Protestant accept some of these Marian dogma and remain a Protestant and someone that you would fellowship with? Thats just being read into the text. And remember this is the focus of our debate, how its used in scripture. Thats not true. Both of us agree thats not the case for Jesus. If righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died needlessly. Galatians 2:21. Therefore when Mark 6:3 refers to Jesus brothers and sisters not honoring him, we know this refers to Jesus younger half siblings. Now Steve said that Matthew 1:25, and others have said this, based off the doctoral work of Eric [Svenson 00:26:02], that the Greek construction [foreign language 00:26:06] in this verse always demands a reversal of condition. Sure. Some people dont die at all. So Steve even admits that Jesus is an exception to the claims about the universality of sin. I think it says a lot about you all that you would take your time, all 735 of you, to be here. It is used this way consistently in the New Testament, as well as in the Septuagint where it is used over a hundred times, such as the Sister Kingdoms of Israel and Judah who worship the same one true God of the Old Testament. Although the Pharisees had authority regarding ritual practices, they did not have doctrinal authority over other Jews, including those who came to believe Jesus was the messiah. Sorry, let me go back a little bit here with this. That she was conceived without original sin? Dr. Steven A. Christie MD Radiology General Radiology Kendall, FL Male 21+ Yrs Experience English 7500 SW 87th Ave, Kendall, FL Overview Location & Contact Education & Experience Overview. And she doesnt mention sin in this part of Luke one. And in the Reformation, the two doctrines that came out of it was Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide. A person could be a Protestant, because we have to understand what a Protestant is and we have to go back to the Reformation for it. Its on my YouTube channel BornAgainRN. Themissionof Apologetics 315 is to provide educational resources for the defense of the Christian faith, with the goal of strengthening the faith of believers and engaging the questions and challenges of other worldviews. As I had mentioned about the Greek word, adelphi, let me remind everyone that this is about what scripture actually teaches and to remind that the Septuagint is a translation. Can a person with a human nature die even if they are free from sin? He might redeem or rescue from bondage those who were under the law because we, which includes Mary, have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, Colossians 1:14. As far as Revelation chapter one to six, I dont see anything thats in there that talks about Mary. I bet maybe you would kneel before it in prayer, you would weep to see that through this means our salvation was procured. I wouldnt assume that that involves a vow virginity, but I think theres a different context in relation to the fact that we have betrothal between Mary and Joseph, that its an odd construction. You answer that and then Ill ask Steve the next question. Christie claims that Jesus declaration to the Pharisees about all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of innocent Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar was actually an endorsement of the Protestant Old Testament canon. Our two sources of evidence during this period would be Jewish and Christian authors. It just means somebody is wrong, whether it be me or another person who calls themselves Protestant that accepts these things. For forty years he has been a fixture in the firmament of the apologetic pantheon, lecturing worldwide and publishing popular books like The End of Reason and Jesus Among Other Gods. And I could talk about what that verse means in a lot of different context, but what is the difference between being sinful and becoming sin? And you, just so people are aware, arent being mean or anything by doing that. We use Christian Apologetics to discuss, interview, & debate for God's existence, & Christianity. He was content to let go and die a natural death. According to Old Testament scholar Otto Kaiser, the deuterocanonical books presuppose the validity of the Law and the Prophets and also utilize the Ketubim or Writings collection which was, at the time, still in the process of formation and not yet closed (Old Testament Apocrypha, 2). First, Christies argument for the Pharisees canon being identical to modern Protestant Old Testament comes from a selective quotation from my colleague Jimmy Akin. We wouldnt expect it. He would end up playing two years for the Buccaneers. But it doesnt say anything about him being bodily assumed or anything. In that day, you will surely die. Which he eventually did. So when it comes to Mary, idolatry would occur if we were to give Mary worship that is due to God alone. Dear visitors: This Catholic Answers website, with all its free resources, is the worlds largest source of explanations for Catholic beliefs and practices. And so in seeing these Marian dogmas that they dont contradict Scripture, we can move forward in our understanding of authority to see what the church Christ established really has taught and given to us for salvation. We receive no funding from the institutional Church and rely entirely on your generosity to sustain this website with trustworthy, accessible content. So we wouldnt be surprised that Septuagintal constructions would be used in the New Testament, including the fact that [foreign language 00:26:54] can imply a reversal as it does in the Greek gold Testament but it wouldnt be surprising to find it in the New Testament. Did they believe that the doctrine of Marys perpetual virginity violated the authority of scripture? So if Jesus has adelphi, he must have had sisters who were born of Mary. Okay. Steve Christie also has his own website. I command that you do it. Isaiah 49:26 describes God as savior and Redeemer echoed in Galatians 4:4-5. I dont know if I could answer the question definitively. Hebrews 11:5 states, By faith Enoch was taken up so that he would not see death. And he was not found because God took him up. If anything like the parents hes a good kid, but I cant imagine by the age of seven that his oldest child hasnt sinned one time. September 16, 2018 by Randal. Type it in. And again, if he meant only child, he wouldve used monogenes like he used it elsewhere in Lukes gospel. A Real Ale Loving Scottish Crime Writer. I mean, focusing on it saying that they had the same mothers is a little bit of a strawman because thats an argument that youre using which I feel is really irrelevant because you could use the argument that Jesus had younger half sisters because theres nothing in that passage to eliminate that possibility. All right. The 33-yard field goal came with just :35 to play, giving the Bills a win over the Titans, who had knocked them out of the playoffs the year before. It is not mentioned in any book of the Bible, protocanonical or deuterocanonical, nor in any ancient nonbiblical witnesses such as Josephus or Philo. Okay. It doesnt mention sin there. So then if Jesus was referred to as the carpenters son, and its a patronym, would this eliminate his brothers being older stepbrothers, according to the Protoevangelium of James? Lets see how much we can get through. Enoch and Elijah were assumed into heaven. So if the Bible taught that every human Im sorry that every woman gave birth to children or that every person without exception commits personal sins or that no one has ever been assumed into heaven, then the dogmas would be falsified. Thats the purpose of their assumptions. Do you know him? Are you talking about 19 probably later, after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, I know not Oh, the ones that have not known a man? Well, theres Pokemon The First Movie, and it was so bad, there were no other movies. Would you agree with Jerry [Maditix 01:04:38] that the assumption of Mary was an eyewitness account just as Jesus ascension was? Jackson Memorial Hospital. 23:2), some of whom were not Pharisees. One, the sole non-falsifiable and fallible authority of the Roman Catholic church, sola ecclesia, which teaches these Marian Dogmas versus a sole infallible authority of scripture sola scriptura, which contradicts them. And number two, when it comes to veneration, worship, honor, give someone the respect that theyre due. Second Corinthians is clear, God made him who knew no sin to become sin for us. Origen and Melito present lists that modern scholars recognize are of Jewish origin and so they lack the deuterocanonicals, but even these lists are missing books such as Esther and Lamentations. I mean, because honestly I believe that all three do contradict all of them. The word paraphrase very frequently provides adequate description of the relationship (Introducing the Apocrypha, 22). Well, first of all, I want to thank you, Matt, for having me on, for hosting this debate and for all that, and for everyone affiliated with Pints with Aquinas. Trent, you have 10 minutes to cross examine Steve, whenever you begin. Trent had mentioned about the age of accountability. This uncertainty continued for several hundred years into the Christian era, and the Jewish canon wasnt closed until the third or fourth century. Timothy Lam, in his book Formation of the Jewish Canon, agrees: Paul belonged to a Jewish sect that had a canon that was determined but not yet defined. So to everybody whos watching, please stick around. The only son? An interview of Gary Habermas with Steve Forkin of No Apologies; Video Link . Mary being the mother of God, ever virgin, immaculately conceived and bodily assumed into heaven. And they talks about how they offered cakes on alters to Mary. And in fact, in the Old Testament, only begotten and firstborn are used interchangeably. I do believe thats good evidence that Mary was Josephs second wife, at least thats my personal view, but that doesnt prove that Mary didnt give birth to others. If Mary was a immaculate conceived, why would Joseph and her kinsfolk who knew her-. So whenever you are ready, Ill click the timer. But if we just read Scripture and read it fairly and charitably, theres nothing that contradicts, so far, Mary being mother of God, ever Virgin, or being immaculately conceived. It doesnt explicitly state that is [inaudible 01:14:05]. He was preceded in death by both his parents. No, thats fine. I would probably enjoy Clement of Rome, even though 1 Clement wasnt written by an individual, but rather there was a poly group of bishops in 1 Clement. Well, in your example, its talking about father. Born Let no one dwell in their tents. This is later applied in Acts 120, but not to a group of people, to an individual, namely Judas. Do you still have it? Finally, Christies Pharisee argument for the Protestant Old Testament canon fails because its logic can be used to make a similar argument for a completely different Old Testament canon. And he told the Thessalonians who that was, but we dont know who that was, and [inaudible 01:06:25] biblical scholars have had many different answers and we dont know much the same this particular truth about whether Mary died or not. Both the Old and the New Testaments also use firstborn to indicate firstborn among other siblings, such as Esau being Isaacs firstborn and Ruben as Jacobs first born, meaning they were not firstborns out of their fathers wombs, considering men dont have wombs, but firstborn among their other children. Well, the Septuagint was a Greek translation that was finished around 134 BC. Of course, that is not what we are debating today. Get your complimentary mortgage payment estimate* Apply Now. However, the earliest evidence for this alleged event comes 600 years afterward, in the second century after Christ. It can also refer to a half sibling as well, such as in the Old Testament, the word for brother is used to refer to Ruben as being the brother of his half brothers. None of the authors of the deuterocanonical books refer to a delineated list of writings (Hebrew, Ketuvim) within a closed Hebrew canon that did not include their own works. So Im going to ask the question again and see if youll answer it. This is not the rule. If she was immaculately conceived, wouldnt she have known that she was the version from Isaiah 7:14? Back to top Alert abuse. In the declaration on the specific dogma, the immaculate conception of Mary, theres absolutely nothing in the dogma itself that says anything that this part is infallible. Steve Cable, April 18, 2022 Steve Cable explains how the apostle Peter showed himself to be a master apologist, not the bumbling, brash fisherman he used to be. Im sure Trent doesnt think that that man is immaculate conceived, because there are those at Catholic Answers and elsewhere who thinks [Greek 00:48:09] or [Greek 00:48:11] eight means that they were always in a state of grace, meaning that Mary was sinless. Good to hear from you again. Also, Christie claims, as do many Protestants, that Jesus and the apostles endorsed only the Protestant canon because they never explicitly cite the deuterocanonical books of Scripture. So my point would be that if we would show that devotion to the means through which Jesus died, why wouldnt we show that similar devotion through the means by which Jesus was born? So a child that age, you think its realistic that in the condition that they were brought up, that Mary could have never committed a sin especially as a child? Okay, so now we are going to move into 10-minute rebuttals. Does the Bible ever say Mary was not assumed into heaven? Youre talking about giving someone salvation prior to their sins? Paul himself reaffirms this in Romans 9:11. It can mean sister of having the same mother and father, or of having just the same father, or just the same mother. And eventually those ended up being dropped throughout the debate. And my contention is that if Adam had not fallen and inherited original sin, he would not have died. Are you going to answer the question, does it describe her giving birth to anyone else or say she gave birth to anyone else? This question is for Steve from super chat megentlevolp. Matthew was simply not concerned with telling us what did happen after Jesus was born. I would have to look through the whole Old Testament because word brothers is used quite a bit of time. Other arguments, I think are bad, the claim that Mary had to be immaculately conceived because Jesus could not be conceived within a woman who is sinful. Trace and Steve both share their thoughts on the current state of Bitcoin and Wyoming's friendly Blockchain laws. In the 2000 season, Christie was an instrumental part of the Bills' eight victories. Mary was able to do something that Jesus didnt. But it doesnt demand for that though. Okay. We ought to do it. I dont think people at the time would call them Catholic. Jesus Christ did not inherit original sin, but he became sin which is why the father had to turn away from him. Lets see, in Catholic Answers encyclopedia, it says that Andrew, the brother of Peter, is also called the son of Jonah. There are a lot of great resources at And Catholics are very clear, we do not believe anything that contradicts what we find in sacred Scripture. First, this debate is not about whether the Bible teaches the Marian Dogmas or even if the evidence shows that theyre true. Like for example, how does one reconcile the following statements, I am the way, the truth, and the life, from our blessed Lord in John 14:6 and Hail holy queen, mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope, emphasis on both claiming to be our life? It would be an evidence chip, if you will, for it that we have to balance with other evidences. And the issue too, is it discusses the word ipsum as opposed to ipsa, when it says from Genesis 15, if she will bruise the heel, or his heel will be versed, however its actually worded. You talked a little about in Adam, all die, but notice here there are exceptions. Give me a second here. I didnt bring up [Greek 00:52:36]. How do we know Andrew and Peter are brothers? And again, what I had argued in the opening statement, is there any example in the New Testament where Jesus is referred to as a preemptive savior, as opposed to as a redemptive and redeeming savior? The last one to be accepted was the bodily assumption of Mary. The wrongs I have done are not hidden from me.. We receive no funding from the institutional Church and rely entirely on your generosity to sustain this website with trustworthy, accessible content. Removing this book will also remove your associated ratings, reviews, and reading sessions. He was human. Heres one, Trent, I dont like and I wonder what you think about it. Yes, and I also have a video about Protestant inconsistent use of typology where Protestants have no problem even seeing very rough connections, typologically, to Jesus in the Old Testament, but then apply a much harsher standard when those same typological connections or better ones show Mary in the Old Testament. In fact, in that debate, I never brought up the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. You go a long way from that, seeing that theyre true, but at least in showing that they dont contradict Scripture, a person can more easily approach the teaching office of the church and see, well, maybe other things it teaches does make a lot of sense, such as the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the existence of an enduring Magisterium, baptismal regeneration, and other things like that. Trent Horn vs Steve Christie Apocrypha Debate Recap & Discussion, Our Friend Steve Christie Gets Mitch Pacwa to Admit Abel to Zechariah Is About the Canon, Conversation On The Old Testament Canon With Steve ChristiePart 1, Conversation On The Old Testament Canon Part 2 with Steve Christie, Conversation On The Old Testament Canon with Steve ChristiePart 3, Gary Michutas Apocrypha Apocalypse Challenge ANSWERED! 0 (0 ratings) Leave a review. Prayer, you would take your time, all 735 of you, to be accepted was bodily! And her kinsfolk who knew no sin to become sin for us not the for. Finished around 134 BC this question is for Steve from super chat megentlevolp not and! We have to look through the law, then Christ died needlessly this continued... Up so that he would not see death honoring him, we do not believe anything contradicts. Eventually those ended up being dropped throughout the debate notice here there are a lot about you all you... 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steve christie apologist