philadelphia civic center wrestling

Sam Houston defeated JJ Dillon UWF Western States Heritage Champion Barry Windham defeated Arn Anderson The art deco hall was built in 1931, and was located at 3400 Civic Center Blvd, on the edge of the campus of the University of Pennsylvania. Ron Garvin defeated Thunderfoot Chris Benoit fought 2 Cold Scorpio to a 20-minute time-limit draw 100% Cotton T-Shirt Browse Similar Items Dick Murdoch pinned Bob Bradley with an elbow to the back of the neck Ivan Koloff & Krusher Kruschev defeated Dutch Mantell & Bobby Jaggers Sting defeated Terry Funk in a No DQ match at 14:35 by pinning an interfering Bill Irwin Tom Zenk pinned Mike Rotunda at 13:26 when the momentum of a reverse crossbody off the middle turnbuckle put Zenk on top for the win Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin, & Badstreet defeated the Desperadoes Vivid Seats offers fantastic seats and discount WWE tickets for the highest-profile events in pro wrestling and you can take in an enthralling night of beatdowns, back-breaking body slams, and crowd-pleasing signature moves. Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers defeated Jim Cornette, NWA US Tag Team Champions Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane in a handicap bunkhouse match NWA TV Champion Tully Blanchard defeated Dusty Rhodes via disqualification The smallest Philadelphia wrestling crowd in decades; Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane vs. Larry Zbyszko & Al Perez did not take place as advertised Sting pinned WCW US Champion Rick Rude in a non-title match 400 4th Street (Also Known As Victory Dr, US 280), Columbus, GA 31901. The Road Warriors defeated Ivan Koloff & the Barbarian (sub. Sid Vicious & Dan Spivey defeated Johnny & Davey Rich at 7:40 following a double powerbomb on Davey Parking. The Teacher Alan Rickman fighter shirt. Jimmy Valiant defeated Shaska Whatley Baron Von Raschke defeated Gary Royal Shane Douglas defeated Jimmy Miller NWA Tag Team Champions Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey defeated Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson via disqualification at 10:32 after Morton hit Eaton with the tennis racquet; the decision was not announced until after Morton covered Eaton and referee Earl Hebner crawled into the ring, slapping his hand to the mat three times, thus the fans thought the titles had changed hands; after the bout, Morton was assaulted with the racquet until Gibson made the save with a steel chair (Wrestling Rarities: The Midnight Express) NWA TV Champion Mike Rotundo defeated Jimmy Garvin for Dick Murdoch), who was handcuffed to Al Perez at ringside for the duration of the bout, hit Sullivan with the timekeepers bell Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin, & Badstreet defeated the Desperadoes. It developed out of a series of buildings dedicated to expanding trade which began with the National Export Exhibition in 1899. Copyright 2023 The History of WWE. Ole Anderson pinned Arn Anderson at the 6-minute mark after a low blow Wahoo McDaniel vs. Vladimir Pietrov Nikita Koloff pinned Diamond Dallas Page Van Hammer defeated Diamond Dallas Page Ole & Arn Anderson defeated Ron Garvin & Sam Houston Ron Garvin pinned the Italian Stallion . Johnny B. Badd pinned Tracy Smothers Ron Bass defeated Abdullah the Butcher via disqualification WWE 2K Wrestling: NWA Edition on Facebook WWE 2K18!/en-us/tid=CUSA08357_00. During the 1972-80 tenure of Mayor Frank Rizzo (1920-91), a time of white flight to the suburbs and increases in crime rates, taxes, and poverty, tensions ran high between white residents and African Americans. Don Kernodle defeated Gary Royal NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Ron Garvin defeated Bill Dundee via count-out 47: . Lex Luger had the night off and Ric Flair was attending his 20 year high school reunion in Minnesota The Samoan Swat Team & Samoan Savage defeated Ranger Ross, Eddie Gilbert, & Tommy Rich NWA Tag Team Champions the Road Warriors defeated Steve Williams & NWA TV Champion Mike Rotunda when Road Warrior Hawk pinned Rotunda following simultaneous front and back clotheslines Madusa defeated Paul E. Dangerously in a 5-minute challenge Sting pinned Butch Reed with a cradle Dick Murdoch, Eddie Gilbert, & Kevin Sullivan defeated Sting, Ron Simmons, & Kendall Windham at the 8-minute mark when Murdoch pinned Windham with the brainbuster NWA Tag Team Champions Ivan & Nikita Koloff defeated Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson when Krusher Kruschev interfered and pinned Morton Ivan Koloff pinned Russian Assassin #2 with the Russian Sickle; after the bout, #2 attacked Ivan until Nikita Koloff made the save Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson defeated NWA Tag Team Champions Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match to win the titles, 2-1; fall #1: Gibson pinned Eaton at 10:30 with an inside cradle as Eaton attempted a backdrop; fall #2: Condrey pinned Gibson at 1:29 following two backbreakers after Eaton pulled down the top rope behind the referees back, causing Gibson to fall out to the floor; fall #3: Morton pinned Condrey at 6:13 by reversing a bodyslam into the ring into a cradle (Wrestling Rarities: The Midnight Express) Brian Pillman pinned Norman Paul Orndorff & Paul Roma defeated Brad & Brian Armstrong Arn Anderson & Larry Zbyzsko fought Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin to a double count-out NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Black Bart defeated the Italian Stallion Jimmy Valiant defeated Paul Jones in a dog collar match This state of the art venue has a large seating capacity and offers a wonderful viewpoint regardless of the seat location. NWA US Champion Lex Luger defeated Michael Hayes via disqualification NWA TV Champion Tully Blanchard defeated Tim Horner (sub. Manny Fernandez & Thunderbolt Patterson defeated National Tag Team Champions Ole & Arn Anderson via disqualification for Tully Blanchard) defeated NWA TV Champion Nikita Koloff via disqualification, JCP @ Philadelphia, PA Civic Center December 26, 1987 NWA World Champion Ric Flair defeated Brad Armstrong Krusher Kruschev defeated Denny Brown NWA Tag Team Champions Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez defeated Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson Ron Garvin defeated NWA National Heavyweight Champion Tully Blanchard via disqualification, JCP @ Philadelphia, PA Civic Center August 16, 1986 (7,000) How Are You? NWA World Champion Ric Flair, NWA Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard defeated Curtis Thompson, Steve Sampson, & Joe Cruz Sid Vicious & Dan Spivey defeated Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane Robert Gibson defeated Thunderfoot 2023 WWE Tickets and Event Information. Sting & Davey Boy Smith defeated WCW World Champion Big Van Vader & Rick Rude via disqualification, Slamboree 94 Philadelphia, PA Civic Center May 22, 1994 (4,800; 3,600 paid) The Barbarian defeated Sam Houston for Larry Zbyszko, selling the arm injury he sustained on TV) Mike Rotunda & Dan Spivey defeated Scott Hall & Brian Pillman Civic Center Slam IV (Session I) on Mar 13, 2021 in Glasgow, MT. Dusty Rhodes defeated the Russian Assassin Dusty Rhodes defeated NWA TV Champion Arn Anderson in a non-title steel cage Texas Death Match Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose defeated Dustin Rhodes & Kendall Windham Stan Lane pinned the Italian Stallion with an elbow drop after avoiding a monkey flip The Great Muta defeated Eddie Gilbert via count-out in a Dragon Shi match Ron Garvin fought Dick Murdoch to a double count-out Legends of Wrestling: Ric Flair and Sgt. The Road Warriors defeated Kevin Sullivan & Rick Steiner Dusty Rhodes defeated NWA TV Champion Tully Blanchard in a non-title steel cage match, JCP @ Philadelphia, PA Civic Center June 12, 1985 Get Ready for the Pain in 2024 with WWE Tickets! Don Kernodle pinned NWA Jr. Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal Superstar Billy Graham defeated Starship Eagle Sid Vicious defeated Brad Armstrong NWA US Champion Lex Luger pinned Steve Williams; during the bout, Williams sustained a rib injury and had to miss the following nights show in New Haven WCW World Champion Ron Simmons defeated Steve Austin, Halloween Havoc 92 Philadelphia, PA Civic Center October 25, 1992 (7,000; 4,800 paid) Jimmy Valiant & Kendall Windham defeated Sean Royal & Teijo Khan (sub. The Road Warriors defeated NWA Tag Team Champions Steve Williams & Mike Rotunda in a non-title match Buddy Lee Parker & Lt. James Earl Wright Pay-per-view bouts featured Jim Ross & Bob Caudle on commentary; included a backstage segment in which Gordon Solie previewed the interviews he would have during the night; featured a backstage segment with Chris Cruise about the interviews he would have during the show; included Cruise conducting a backstage interview with Bruno Sammartino regarding his upcoming referee role in the Thunderdome main event; featured Solie conducting a backstage interview with Terry Funk and Gary Hart regarding the Thunderdome main event; included Solie conducting a backstage interview with NWA Tag Team Champions Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin regarding their upcoming title defense; featured Cruise conducting a backstage interview with Rick & Scott Steiner about facing the debuting Doom; included Solie conducting a backstage interview with NWA US Champion Lex Luger about his upcoming match with Brian Pillman; featured Cruise conducting a backstage interview with the Road Warriors & Paul Ellering about their upcoming match against Sid Vicious & Dan Spivey; included Cruise conducting a backstage interview with Sting, NWA World Champion Ric Flair, & Ole Anderson about the upcoming Thunderdome cage match: This independent guide is not affiliated with Lincoln Financial Field. Cactus Jack pinned Van Hammer by lifting his shoulder out of a back suplex into a bridge Arn Anderson defeated Ricky Lee Jones Read our privacy policy. NWA National Heavyweight Champion Tully Blanchard defeated Ron Bass Harley Race, Ray Stevens, Lou Thesz, Johnny Weaver, Mr. Wrestling II, and Tommy Young; included Tony Schiavone & Bobby Heenan on commentary; . Dusty Rhodes defeated Kevin Sullivan in a dog collar match when Brad Armstrong (sub. Wahoo McDaniel & NWA US Tag Team Champion Ron Garvin defeated Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey Steve Williams & Jimmy Garvin defeated Ivan Koloff & the Russian Assassin NWA Jr. Heavyweight Champion Lazertron pinned Gladiator #2 with a sunset flip into the ring This blue T-shirt is cut for a boxy fit from a soft cotton-jersey that has a nice drape. Be the first to know about the Grateful Dead's exclusive limited-edition releases, breaking news on the band, community events, and so much more. Seating Capacity: NWA US Tag Team Champions Tommy Rogers & Bobby Fulton defeated Jonathan Holiday & Rip Morgan (sub. Slaughter via disqualification after the challenger accidentally hit the referee with the Slaughter Cannon; the bell didnt ring until Slaughter had Flair in the Cobra Clutch, leading the fans to believe he won the match, JCP @ Philadelphia, PA Civic Center March 26, 1985 for Butch Miller) fought Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin to a draw Buzz Tyler defeated John Tatum Indianapolis Seattle Baltimore Philadelphia Pittsburgh San Francisco Cincinnati London: All Locations. Terry Taylor pinned the Iron Sheik Dustin Rhodes pinned Richard Morton NWA Tag Team Champions Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson defeated Ole & Arn Anderson The Road Warriors defeated NWA Tag Team Champions Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez via disqualification when Paul Jones interfered, JCP @ Philadelphia, PA Civic Center May 30, 1987 (5,500) WCW Tag Team Champions Arn Anderson & Larry Zbyszko defeated Tracy Smothers & Steve Armstrong Pez Whatley fought Leo Burke to a draw Pro Wrestling is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Steve Williams defeated Larry Zbyzsko Ivan Koloff & the Powers of Pain defeated NWA 6 Man Tag Team Champions NWA US Champion Dusty Rhodes, Road Warrior Hawk, & Paul Ellering to win the titles, JCP @ Philadelphia, PA Civic Center April 9, 1988 (matinee) (4,000) NWA US Champion Magnum TA defeated Tully Blanchard in an I Quit match, JCP @ Philadelphia, PA Civic Center February 1, 1986 (6,500) The Barbarian pinned Johnny B. Badd with a boot to the face after kicking out of the sunset flip off the top Jimmy Garvin & Precious defeated Paul Jones (sub. NWA Tag Team Champions Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey defeated the Road Warriors via reverse decision; the challengers originally won the match and titles at 10:35 when Road Warrior Hawk pinned Eaton after hitting him with Jim Cornettes tennis racquet but Earl Hebner, the original referee, changed the call since Road Warrior Animal shoved him to the floor moments before the pinfall and he saw Hawk use the weapon to get the fall; after the match, the Road Warriors cleared the champions and Cornette from the ring (Wrestling Rarities: The Midnight Express) Afterwards, it served as a soundstage for movies and the TV series Hack starring David Morse. Kevin Sullivan defeated Hector Guerrero Sting and Rick Steiner co-won a 2-ring battle royal when they decided to split the victory after each man was the last left in their ring; after the bout, Terry Funk attacked Sting [5] It was purchased by the Alessi Organization in 2005 and in 2017 was installed outside its new Crossing Shopping Center at East 22nd Street and Route 440 in Bayonne, New Jersey.[6].

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philadelphia civic center wrestling