how to find pirate radio stations

They spent the fees to get the license. These pirate stations pose a host of problems for public safety, including interference with emergency alerts and air traffic control. Finding Shortwave Stations and Broadcasts. Give us a sense of the universe of this problem given that it is such a priority for this FCC to crack down on it. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: We're not using an FM spectrum for this podcast. Addeddate 2022-03-13 23:21:58 . MR. SWARZTRAUBER: And it's important to clarify that FCC enforcement agents are not law enforcement agents, but I was struck by how some of the work that goes into identifying and shutting down a station is like good old-fashioned police work, like knocking on doors saying, hey, have you seen anything weird, have you seen people carrying around transmitters or antennas. So you couldn't be blamed for assuming that it depicts a long-vanished phenomenon, like Nehru jackets with iridescent scarves and psychedelic-patterned paper mini dresses. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: It's not working properly and that's why it's going into air traffic control. They could stream. Coffee helps fuel the SWLing Post! If they have some skin in the game, an operator or a landlord or a property owner that let somebody put a station up on their rooftop, you know, it's illegal for them to have that station there. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: All right. And so that impedes the investigation a little bit because it is difficult to find where that studio is located, but we do, we do a lot of interviews. bclc lotto app not working; signs your internship will turn into a job; mary suehr schmitz. If they are getting interference to a station they would like to listen what station is that, give the call sign. About Google Maps. Having that exposure helped boost the careers of scores of British bands whose music eventually made it to America. We have talked about other challenges in densely populated areas just like traffic jams, you're driving around in this van and you can't go anywhere because it's rush hour in New York City. Pirates are always active during holidays, too, most especially on Halloween (31st of October), which seems to be pirates favorite holiday. Pirate radio guru Andrew Yoder started his own pirate blog last year, and has already began populating it with regular updates, QSLs, and recordings. It could be computers, antennas, coaxial cables. Ive had great results in the past with an old Icom IC-735 and a 40-meter dipole antenna. Buy me a coffee: Email: Instagram: Facebook:. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Well let that be a lesson to the youngsters listening. He's the station manager for today's legal, land-based version of Radio Caroline, which obtained a license to broadcast at 648 Khz on the AM band in 2017, but still strives to preserve the rebellious spirit of the original operation. Has that happened? What would that bill do differently? So we have a team here in the Enforcement Bureau that does that, our Spectrum Enforcement Division. He has taken, you know, money from under the table to allow the station to operate from the rooftop without the property owner's knowledge. So when we finally are able to pick up the signal in our car we then drive in the area in kind of a circle around the source and we plot lines, we call them lines of bearing on a map, and where they intersect is where this transmission source is originating. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So everyone can now breathe a deep a sigh of relief, you are not going to have to go out and get a license for your security camera and you garage door opener. Given other responsibilities and obligations, however, the Commission's resources are stretched, and it seems that stopping pirate radio is not at the top of the priority list. Pirate radio stations are unlicensed broadcasters. Enter the dawn of pirate radio. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, there was a case back in the 1990s, late 1990s. Give us a little of your background. We do let stations operate with low power transmitters but they have to comply with the technical requirements of Part 15 of our rules. Google Maps is a web mapping service developed by Google. I asked him why he would still take the risk to go back on air and he said he wanted to reach the homeless, the shut-ins, the elderly who couldn't access the internet.". Right now it is $10,000 per day per occurrence. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So there are no doubt some good samaritans listening to this show that want nothing more than to help with the scourge of pirate radio. Pirate stations want listeners to discover them, so they broadcast in various watering holes.. And I have had to make this clarifying point on other podcasts that I have done at the FCC. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Do the pilots only complain if it's a song that they don't like? After that when we don't get compliance from somebody he gets a warning letter and comes back on the air and then we do get the warrant with the U.S. marshals. "I spoke with a pastor of a church in the community which had a station and the antenna was taken down by the FCC," Goren says. Just browse the pirate radio category: 123. Evan is joined by David Dombrowski, Regional Director for Region One in the FCC Enforcement Bureau. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes, and it's also I assume illegal for these advertisers to be advertising on pirate stations, they just might not know that they are pirates. Now if you go that menu there are several options of different radio services. An excellent and active pirate radio forum hosted by Chris Smolinski. So that's why the licensing process is so important to avoid that interference. Like me, you might just get hooked! Launched just five months ago, Internet Archive's Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications has expanded to more than 61,000 items related to amateur radio, shortwave listening, and related communications. It eventually regrouped and resurfaced as an internet station, which gave it a global reach. It's about $200,000 worth of equipment. The library's newest additions include deep historical resources and contemporary reporting about the world of radio. Sometimes we find stations that just access the rooftops without anybody knowing and put the transmitter kind of hidden in a wall somewhere or a crevice and the antenna on the roof and remain anonymous for months without anybody knowing that the station is there. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Right. They label the equipment as something else. Last updated: December 2022 "The government decided that radio was too influential as a means of mass communication to be in private hands," Peter Moore explains in an email. That was particularly true on the other side of the Atlantic, where the U.K. allowed only state-controlled radio from the 1920s through the mid-1960s. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Right. Borderhunter Radio is one of the strongest Euro Pirates Ive ever heard. * Explains how to buy and use equipment to listen to pirate stations. So a transmitter that complies with the Part 15 requirements has a very small operating range, about 100 feet. I have four offices, it includes Chicago, it includes Boston, New York, and Columbia, Maryland. As soon as there were laws on the books, there were pirate radio stations on the air. The Pirates flagship radio station, SportsRadio 93.7 THE FAN, will air extended local pre-game and post-game coverage before and after every broadcast. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, we don't have a rule in the books that prohibits that from happening. To the contrary, though, more than a half-century later, pirate radio is still a thing. . So the avenues of working with the district attorneys is a great way to get the injunctions, the court orders, for the pirate station to cease operating permanently. I am Evan Swarztrauber. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes. Stations such as Weekend Rush, Kool FM, Pulse and Innocence wanted to represent the streets and promote local scenes.. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: It doesn't say FCC pirate agent? The Who actually paid homage to Radio Caroline and other offshore broadcasters by parodying them on their 1967 concept album "The Who Sell Out," as music historian John Atkins has written. We would also have to create a database for the public access. Many are confused by the term pirate radio, otherwise known as free radio. Either term is sufficient, and some stations prefer one designation or the other. I received this QSL from the amazing Radio Ronin Shortwave shortly before he received the knock from the FCC and stopped transmitting. ( Disclaimer) Transcript: MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Welcome to "More Than 7 Dirty Words," the official FCC podcast. But the FCC, Congress and the commercial broadcasting industry don't see the pirates as serving such a benign purpose. But with customs and border patrol seeing so much equipment coming in through the ports it's hard to identify. "While Radio Caroline is no longer 'illegal' the philosophy is unchanged," Moore says, noting that the station's staff has the motto "New Technology, Same Ideology.". They also cover your wireless routers in your house. They came and seized all of my equipment. Be careful to. In fact, it's possibly more widespread than it was in the 1960s, even in an age when streaming internet services such as Spotify and Pandora put the equivalent of a jukebox in the pocket of everyone with a smartphone. MR. DOMBROWSKI: No, it doesn't have -- It's not marked with pizza delivery guy either. Select a station from the list and it will play on the tuner. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Just because it's easy to buy it doesn't mean it's legal. The original converted ferry sank in 1980, but the five DJs on board and the ship's canary, Wilson, named after British Prime Minister Harold Wilson all were rescued, according to O'Rahilly's New York Times obituary. They inventory it all and then they sign it over to the FCC to hold and then we finally get the courts to order that it's released to the federal government and it's our property. I keep a copy handy as it helps me identify stations and better understand their format. MR. DOMBROWSKI: A lot of these stations are streaming at the same time so it really boggles my mind why an FM station that's unlicensed, you know, has its stream content and then also it's broadcasting over the airwaves. 3. And that's a pretty big deterrent when you show up with police officers threatening to arrest somebody because they are operating a pirate radio station. I used a pneumatic spud gun to launch an arborist's bag to deploy my 50' end fed antenna 40' up into a tree. Here's a test shot without the line or antenna attached. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, we have a lot of stations in New York, in particular. Has it gotten worse, has it gotten better? But the easiest way to file a complaint is go online. They just twist the dial. Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. Many of you have suggested in the past that the SWLing Post join an affiliate links program. This means that by clicking on these links, a small percentage of the purchase price for goods you purchase from these sellers will help support our sites running costs. The plot is based loosely on the saga of an actual former pirate station, Radio Caroline, that was founded by an offbeat Irish entrepreneur named Ronan O'Rahilly, the inspiration for the character portrayed by Bill Nighy. I know at least in our region we get them everywhere. So it's not just that a pirate radio station might be harming other radio stations, which is bad in and of itself and could pose a public safety risk with emergency communications, but we're talking serious stuff when we talk about FAA and air traffic control. But by the 1960s, the postwar baby boom filled the U.K. with millions of teenagers who were eager to hear the rock 'n' roll records that the BBC declined to play. You have somebody that puts a station on the air and then what that person does is he leases air time for his station for other DJs and they come in and so he is getting a kickback from the DJs and he is getting advertising revenue. The HF Underground: So that's been great because now we can work with the local authorities, such as the police or the district attorney's office, and get them involved in the investigation, and they have the power to arrest and fine people. 10. This radio in a single case is also capable of re-broadcasting any audio source. It would create chaos if we allowed them. (Disclaimer). It's covert surveillance equipment. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So when it comes to local law enforcement are they generally uninterested in taking this on or, you know, because you mentioned federal agents are often involved, it's federal courts, U.S. Across the country FCC officials are working to identify and take action against illegal unlicensed radio operators using frequencies allocated for legitimate radio operators that are causing interference and other issues. The government authorities in charge of the surveillance of the radio-electric spectrum can use the PROWATCH instruments to detect and locate the pirate and irregular broadcast stations of radio and TV. Director Richard Curtis' 2009 comedy-drama stars the late Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Count, a disc jockey for an unlicensed rock radio station that broadcast from a rusty, decrepit ship off the British coast in the mid-1960s, defying government authorities to spin the rock records that weren't allowed on the BBC at the time. The reason is, no matter what time of the year it is, no matter what the space weather (yes, I said space weather) or conditions of the ionosphere are--FM stations are relatively few, local, and always broadcast in the same spots on the FM dial. Violators faced two years of imprisonment and fines. Ive also been encouraged by pirates to hone my weak-signal DXing using exalted carrier reception (ECR)zero-beating an AM signal in SSBin an attempt to hear weak AM pirate stations. Ask your local radio club or search the Internet for local/regional pirate stations. He got the craft back and kept at pirate radio for nearly another quarter century. Pirates broadcast a wide variety of content, but are usually motivated by sharing their messageor favorite musicon the air. And I am glad you mentioned call signs because that could be a potential suspicious signal is that pirate radio stations, because they are illegitimate by their very nature, are not doing typical radio station things like announcing their call sign at the top of the hour or doing, you know, certain regular scheduled activities, so that could be something that might mean you are listening to a pirate station. VIEWS. And, of course, just finding the antenna is not the end of the story, because it's not like when you find the antenna the DJ is standing right next to the antenna being like, uh, you got me. And audiences can get the station on inexpensive radio receivers there's no need to have a computer or a smartphone with 5G, or to pay a monthly subscription fee or worry about blowing through their data limits. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, it's -- Pirate radio has been around for decades. So hopefully that's enough for them to get the station taken down and maybe share some information about who the real operator is. We also would be required to file a report to Congress annually on our enforcement activities in pirate radio. So we would rather take one single complaint from a broadcast licensee saying, hey, I've gotten 50 listener complaints in this area, here is where we are hearing it, do a little leg work yourself and verify that it's an unlicensed station, and then we can work with them in getting the station off the air. March 13 2022 . Each issue also contains a CD of sound clips from various pirates, several articles about the state of pirate radio, and other relevant info. So we get complaints from the FAA quite often, more than a few times a month in New York, and that the pilots are flying over the city and they are trying to communicate with air traffic control and all of a sudden they pick up a radio station. To track pirates, youll need a radio with both AM and SSB modes. This metal-focused platform is available entirely online, so you can access the music from a lot of different locations, even though the station is based in San Francisco. And so it ranges from Maine down to Virginia and all the States east of Missouri, Iowa, and Minnesota. We have been at in rem seizures we call them where the U.S. marshals come with the local law enforcement and there is 20 of them and they have to secure the whole block off, the have to secure the building for our protection. "In Haiti during the Duvalier regime, people depended on radio to get news from independent sources off the island. So what is the state of pirate radio in the U.S. and how is the FCC taking it on? They also have potential to cause interference to the adjacent channel stations, you know, up above their frequency and below their frequency. Additionally, we always try to include links to other retail options if they are available, as we support and freely advertise independent ham radio retailers. A few of them broadcast from ships, such as Rev. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes, so you have options. MR. DOMBROWSKI: No, and some of these are in high crime areas where there is a lot of drugs. They also spent the regulatory fees that they have to, you know, spend I think yearly, and so they have an investment in their service and these unlicensed stations NP that. In addition to this 2019 BBC documentary, Goren also has created the Pirate Radio Map, which documents pirate radio stations in Brooklyn and even includes brief samples from their broadcasts. Among the most popular queries made by readers is, How can I find and hear pirate radio stations? To help answer this question, Im writing this primer. While debunking myths about pirates, I can say that in my years of pirate radio listening Ive never heard a pirate intentionally jam a legal broadcaster. And one of the reasons that they are causing harmful interference, in particular to the FAA operations, is because they are not tested, right. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So don't bother looking for it. Thanks to e-commerce, it's also easier than ever for a would-be pirate to find the necessary equipment and have it delivered to his or her door, as FCC enforcement official David Dombrowski described in this 2019 podcast. The U.S. And those rules dictate a lot of restrictions and cover your wireless transmitters that we use every day, remote controls for you car, your headset, bluetooth sets. PIRATES RADIO NETWORK AFFILIATES Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH: KDKA-FM 93.7 Altoona: WVAM-AM 1430 Ambridge: WMBA-AM 1460 Beaver Falls: WBVP-AM 1230 Bradford: WESB-AM 1490 Butler: WISR-AM 680 As this 2009 article from the Independent, a British newspaper, details, O'Rahilly obtained a 63-ton (57-metric ton), Danish passenger ferry, the MV Frederica, and renamed it Caroline, after the daughter of the late U.S. President John F. Kennedy. "Pirate radio continues to exist in the internet age for a variety of reasons," John Nathan Anderson, a broadcasting scholar and author who is working on a book about pirate radio, explains via email. Collection Info. Before we talk about where to hunt pirates, however, we need to talk about the necessary equipmenti.e., your radio and antenna. South America was strong for a while in the 90s, but that has also fallen silent. * Shows you how to find pirate stations on your AM/FM, shortwave, and online radios. A lot of stations conceal their antennas, they hide behind things, they take the antennas down during they day, so they try avoid detection. Be specific. Note: This podcast was recorded on June 21st. Loggings are in real time and there are very fewif anyoff-topic posts. Everyone should agree that pirate radio stations - by any definition - are completely illegal. It is illegal for companies to market equipment that hasn't gone through what we call a certification process, equipment authorization process, where they get a company to look at their transmitter to make sure it complies with our technical rules and doesn't have potential to cause interference to other radio services. And that's it, we will catch you next time. We have had cases where we have gone in on in rem seizures and found drug paraphernalia inside the building and so that becomes now a law enforcement issue and they take care of that, they handle that situation. For consistencys sake, I will use the term pirate radio in this article. I was hired into an engineering training program down in Norfolk, Virginia, where we got classroom orientation on all the different radio services and the bureaus and offices for the FCC. Unlike the rock 'n' roll hipsters of 1960s British pirate radio, who aimed at a mass audience, most of Brooklyn's unlicensed broadcasters seem to be immigrants and members of ethnic and religious minorities trying to reach their own groups and neighborhoods. Thank you! comment. Though Channel Z was broadcasting in AM, as many do, its best to hunt pirates with an SSB-capable portable. Use promo code ROGUE to get a shot at MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in total prizes! Moreover, summer conditions in the North American 43 meter band are often much noisier, thus pirates know theyll be fighting static crashes to be heard during the summer months. You might need that sensitivity and an outdoor antenna to pull these relatively low-powered signals from the ether. While you can hear some on weekdays, your best bet is Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, local time. Indeed, since pirates are operating at lower power, they get much more bang-for-the-watt out of SSB. Keep in mind that pirates are relatively low-power broadcasters. 2. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Oh, yes. I believe this is why authorities like the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) place shortwave pirates comparatively lower on their enforcement priority list. 1. Well I want to, you know, just emphasize the importance of this issue. We usually go with the police just for our protection and also for the protection of the occupants inside the residence. 14 July 2020. But merely the act of purchasing this equipment is illegal and partly that's because it comes from overseas and it's not been tested by the FCC, correct? So it's not the -- In terms of size wise for mileage it's the smallest region, but it's the most populated. In the late 1980s, unlicensed operators tried broadcasting from a Honduran-flag freighter in the waters off Long Island, according to The New York Times. This book makes it easier for you to locate and tune in pirate stationsand tells you all about the unlicensed broadcasters who play David to broadcasting conglomerates Goliath. (Listen to one of Ronins broadcasts below.). . That happens a lot. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Right. Very old school, and cheap enough for anyone's budget. Our agents typically work in a certain area so they become familiar with all the pirate radio operators and they kind of started to notice the pattern and so we were able to gather all of the evidence and go to the U.S. Attorney's Office and seize all that equipment and get the station off the air. MR. DOMBROWSKI: And so that's not practical for somebody that wants to operate a radio station to cover an entire community. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes, in those dense urban areas because the FM band is already pretty clogged up with legitimate stations that might be one of the reasons that people throw up their hands and say, well, I guess I'm just do an illegal station because I am frustrated by the legal process for getting a station, but that is not a justification in any sense of the word. To have a radio station here helps to establish the station's operator as an important source of information and influence in the community.". Wolves are looking to climb up the table (Picture: Richard Heathcote/Getty Images) This will be the fourth time this year the two . Tribute to Pirate Radio, KQLZ 100.3 FM Los Angeles. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes. 16 days ago. They use either the internet or a wireless source to get the signal back to the transmitter. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: All right. Friday March 17, 1989 5:00 am. So what is the state of pirate radio in the U.S. and how is the FCC taking it on? PROMAX designs several monitoring and spectrum surveillance systems. Now one thing I want to talk about is Part 15. We get them in Virginia, we get them out in Illinois, even just remote areas of West Virginia they pop up. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, the legitimate one, the licensed station. PIRATE RADIO Once you remove the idea of pirate radio from its mythology, you. The warrant is issued to the U.S. We do a field strength measurement to see if their power exceeds that threshold and if they meet the Part 15 requirements or not. In the U.S., pirate stations have popped up in recent years all over the country, from West Virginia to Washington state, according to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which plays a continual game of whack-a-mole in an effort to keep them off the airwaves used by licensed broadcasters. What's more, pirate radio stations gave us access to some of the most pivotal figures in UK music . That's really helpful because then we can note when to send the agents out. And you have tools to escalate the situation. So a pirate radio by simple terms is a broadcast station operating in the FM band, 88 megahertz to 108 megahertz that you dial up on your car radio, that is operating without a license. If you live outside of North America and Europe, that doesnt mean there arent pirate radio stations to be found. David Goren, a veteran radio producer who's created programming for National Public Radio, has spent years studying pirate broadcasters. Ragnar Daneskjold hosts an occasional podcast serving the shortwave pirate community; it includes pirate radio news, off-air recordings, and more. 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how to find pirate radio stations