once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness

I need to try to pass this summer since I cant practice the rest of the year. That was probably why only two other kids had come with keepers gear on. There was obvious fallout around school. Emma stared at her friend in confusion until there was a sudden crack and a small creature appeared, with over large ears and wearing a sort of wrap around little dress fashioned from a what appeared to be a light blue bedsheet. Hurry, he tossed over his shoulder as he went out the back door. I guess we should, um- join the party? I suggested. She carefully made her way down a few steps, winding until she was under the platform shed previously been standing on. Cool, I want to be one, Lily said. A few weeks later, Emma came to the empty classroom theyd been using on Saturday afternoon to work out ideas and the plan originally, and now Regina had been using to work on her write-ups for the auror team while Emma studied to keep her company. I have to bring her down. Yes, Tina, Kathryn, and Abby said simultaneously. Shes like, crazy good at potions. One! Are you sure? Regina asked doubtfully, Emma didnt seem to be holding on very tightly. Wow, thanks! Ruby gratefully accepted the fruit and began peeling it immediately. The Sorting Hat said she belonged too, belonged in Hufflepuff, belonged at Hogwarts. Mr. Webb looked at the shop assistant for a beat too long for Reginas comfort before he drew himself up haughtily, As if Id duel a child, he shot Regina another poisonous look, especially one so far out their depths. Mc-Professor McGonagall told me when she took me to get my things for school., Grannys eyes looked her over shrewdly. It was supposed to drop off outside a hospital., Emma felt her face turn red as everyone stared at her. Emma still couldnt believe theyd come. Regina had decided to wait to read the book until she was on the Hogwarts Express and had only allowed herself to look at the beautiful illustrations of the winged horses at home. You know, they might come back., Lily pulled a hair tie off her wrist and began to put her long hair up in a ponytail. Dreamy? the woman said, turning towards him. Not gonna play along?, Regina shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest, although it looked more like she was hugging herself than anything particularly intimidating, Why are you here?, Emma shrugged and looked out over the parapet, Maybe I just feel like we havent seen each other in a while.. I wanted to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast., You told me scrambled eggs with toast would be fine., Yes, I did, but I thought this would be a nice surprise. I walked over there and saw that she was sitting outside at the small table. Some of the professors have done it too. At least Flitwick hadnt, so Charms should be okay. After the longest part of the tryouts finished, leaving them with their returning keeper and new chasers, it was her turn. I was thinking perhaps we could have pancakes instead of oatmeal today, what do you say?, Regina nodded eagerly and he called their house elf, Cerdita, to explain the change in breakfast plans. They love to say things like: Youre so kind, just like your father. Her voice adopted a mocking tone as she spoke, Or, your parents were so brave, it was so good they were such brave heroes. Theyd be proud of you if they were alive. Your father used to look like that when he was studying.. Im really proud of you., I grinned at the compliment, but there was another problem. What do we do? Thats why I think Im gonna pass on Arthimancy., We get to pick electives this year, Ive been trying to decide what to pick. Emma wished she could give up potions, which she was only passing because Rubyd gotten a tutor and was sharing her notes. But what a way to go. Emma said wistfully, before they exchanged a look and laughed. Nice to meet you as well, Regina gave a little nod before turning back to the tack. By 8 p.m., we were all freshly showered. It surprised me, but for some reason I wont admit even to myself, I didnt let her go. Then I can take you along with me to the mine and we can break the spell., Emma didnt know why Ms. Sapphire was so sure they could break this spell when no one had for years, but she didnt say anything. #onceuponatimefanfic Granny scoffed, Bah, propheciestheyre a load of rubbisheven when they are true. Could she just remain Yin? I have a separate income stream, unconnected with my parents, and I do not want my mother to be able to interfere with it., Now he seemed more considering despite still remaining skeptical if his raised eyebrows and steepled long fingers were any indication. He was sorry he couldnt have helped Regina, he wished he had. Why do you keep showing up? Regina seemed to be asking herself the question instead of Emma. Regina refused to be intimidated, It seems to me, that it would be a very bad idea to make it. Emma only though for a second before she reached into her bag, Maybe I have one too. She brandished her own. Ms. Sapphire patted her on the shoulder and drew her a bit away, Im so glad everything worked out according to plan. He smiled when he saw his son come into the room and looked over them all with interest. That just seemed so fairytale to her stillit belonged in Halloween movies, not in school. Its the fact that now everyone thinks they know me and they dont. The teachers here seemed weird, but pretty alright. She had an EE in Charms normally, with occasional Outstandings. Regina didnt know what her face did, but he actually jumped up off the bench hed been straddling and the flower arrangement to her right burst into flames at the same time the large pitcher of juice to her left froze solid. Do I need to do anything to prepare? Emma asked, feeling like there must be something. Why are those guys after you?. She tried on a frown to cover up for it and crossed her arms over her chest, This is Emma Swan. Regina slid her wand back into her sleeve. While Mother had merely nodded at the letter when it had arrived, but Papi had given her a new book as a present, away from her mothers judgmental gaze. He still seemed aware Gryffindor was falling behind, but just not how badly. You did break the spell, so it wasnt wrong, but maybe if there hadnt been a prophecy someone else might have tried to break it. As I held it in my hand, observing it, I suddenly had a new idea. I was half asleep, but kept on practicing how I would ask her and a slight anxiety took over because what if she said no? It would be wonderful to race Regina said wistfully. Abruptly light and sounds came back, especially after the mine, daylight was too bright. Her mother had agreed, so long as she paid for it with left over school spending money or her fathers money. The boat ride over the Hogwarts lake had been so wonderful that she'd been able to forget, just for a bit, what was coming. What was going on? I think we should throw our names into a hat or something and the one whose name is pulled out gets the privilege to sleep alone, Henry explained. Not like the". Oh, god, Regina, Kathryn said, looking pale. It didnt take long to free him and they soon had the flowers they needed. Emma couldnt believe she hadnt noticed her vision getting worse again. Too late for that now. Now, just what do you think youre doing?, Then she got close enough to make out the yellow Hufflepuff badger on a black jumper and the matching blonde hair. While she was glad to see her father and their horses, winged and non-winged, that was all she was glad for. There you go, Regina said encouragingly, I call him Rocinante. Regina stroked along his side, before his wings. He thought he could threaten her owl? #peterpanouat The pair sped along the lake, wind in their ears and moon high overhead. Carefully, consulting closely with the runic versions of the aurors names shed been provided, she added each in as an exception. August pushed open the door which chimed cheerfully. I wanted to be prepared, so yes, I downloaded the app., No, no, absolutely not. Must have been to help make the spell last longerdrawing the spell diagram on the ground is too temporary for a spell like that.. I didnt know what to do with my hands, but I didnt want to grab her in the heat of the moment and just pull her back in, so I just wrapped my arms around myself and stared ahead of me. Not exactly. She whipped at tears she didnt want Lily to notice were falling. Regina put down the quill and crumbled the paper up into a ball. Will Emma and Regina be able to battle this new villain while also battling the price of Emma's curse? Ill show you that later. Going to her birth parents actual house. Cant trust these people to tell their head from their arse at the rate theyve been going at.. How horrible. She pushed on the sturdy oak door and into the shop with Trackleshanks Locksmith written above the doorway. Reginas head jerked in her direction, that signal meant that they were currently ahead by enough points that it wouldnt matter who caught the snitch. Besides, it wasnt like she had any other better destination in mind. I brought along a surprise friend. They all filed in after him and Emma saw an older wan with a neatly trimmed graying beard and kind eyes look up from a counter. Throughout the week she received more condolences from her friends and some of her regular customers. Luckily, she could take it out of the restricted section itself. I dont know why they scrape the bottom of the barrel, letting useless wizards like you and your friend even come hereyou clearly have no idea what your doing. Unicorn hair and cedar. Seriously, I figured she only left that dungeon room because she had to go to her other classes to maintain her perfect Ravenclaw grades., Emma couldnt help but laugh at that and gave Ruby a light shove. Faye? It was Granny, Emma didnt think shed ever been more relieved to see someone in your life. McGonagall felt that question like a punch. He hasnt been feeling well lately, but he had been insisting on continuing to care for the horses. Just as slowly as they came together, they parted. Silence fell as the students eyes grew wide. Mother turned and Regina saw she had on a mask of grief. Hold it together. You must be able to see it.. After the third time, it got a bit annoying though, so I waved to them to come to the edge of the pool. Therefore, Regina immediately lead into her next argument, Also, I was hoping that I could try to brew some of the potions we dont cover in class, on the days I dont have a student I mean., Really? That caught his attention. There are a couple things that are supposed tell you ahead of time, but some are really dodgy. He wasnt listening, but he probably drew conclusions when he heard Emma cheering. Emma let out a loud yelp as Regina shoved her back from the cauldron and they both fell to the ground a few meters away. It was there I wrote my original note to you. No matter what she wears, she is breathtaking. His sister and her family, the only one of his family who he still exchanged regular letters with was there. Regina actually found she did want to tell her friends. Emma yelled again when her head hit the floor and Reginas full body weight landed on her. Emma? I brewed it. The spell we crafted for everyone else is still in effect. Regina leaned back when the motion brought Emma closer. Regina picked up the letter hesitantly, glad it at least wasnt a red howler. Maybe it is. Emma fidgeted at the question, not liking the older womans tone, Um, my cat. She was probably just a distraction now. Ill find a way to thank you for this., No problem, really, he said like its nothing, Good night Ms. Mills!. All of these can be changed according to your wishes, typically by putting in the old combination or password when the lid is open and then putting in whatever you wish the new password to be., Regina was still trying to absorb all that Silvia had just shown her. Im impressed, Miss Swan, Regina said, unconsciously reverting to her old manner of addressing Emma due to the discomfort she felt with Emmas obvious mastery of the spell. Its about my parents, Emma said in a raspy voice. Stupefy! This time she put more power into the spell than the others. I smile and continue. At the same time, it meant she was home, to her mother, and to the reality of what had happened, that much sooner. If anything was going to distract Emma it was the mention of food. Quietly, Regina slipped in, closing the door behind her. Urgh, that sucks, Tina said, falling back against her chair. Emma blushed but then frowned, Thats something I do miss about school. However, he relaxed and continued, Normally, only older students and those being tutored may use the spare potions rooms, but I can make an exception. You cant even tell when someone isnt interested, can you?, The mans face went red and he reached for his wand, Why you little b. Emma looked up from history essay she did not want to be writing, eager for anything distracting. Good night, Emma, she said. Regina stepped further into the clearing and Rocinante finally noticed her. Be careful with that, Regina snapped. The captain didnt blow her whistle, she trusted that their attention was fixated on her as she withdrew the snitch and its wings unfurled. Are you okay?. All they manage to do is cast are over done attraction charms and end up spending all day mesmerized by their own reflection., Sidney whipped around as soon as Emma started to talk and went nearly purple with rage as a number of the other Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws laughed. ? Regina asked, confused and half-focused on trying to remember how much Wideye she had left; it needed to sit for 14 hours so it could take awhile to brew and it was only good for about a month before it started to degrade and have side-effects. My birthday is the twenty-third? Its such bullshit! Emma was breathing hard, as if getting all this out in the open was a herculean effort. Emma ran back to her room she was currently sharing, grabbing her bag, and Paint jumping onto her shoulder as she did so. When Emma didnt say anything, Regina simultaneously felt relieved and like she had to explain. Ten. Regina was right to be wary if her mother really had that much influence I the Ministry. McGonagalls no-nonsense voice cut through her thoughts. Well, theres no need. Shes having problems with the typical potions for her period. The blue circle flared before it died leaving just their clasped hands. I help Ruby and GraProfessor Lucas sometimes with things in the Forbidden Forest. Where are you heading?, Emmas mind blanked and at the mans impatient look, she said the first thing that popped into her mind, The London Library please.. Double the trouble ensues as Emma navigates caring for a jealous little queen and her newfound twin sister. She returned to her seat in shock and packed up all of her things on autopilot, without having consciously made the decision to leave. I cant believe you are too!, After a few minutes exclaiming over the realization they were both witches, something occurred to Emma. She pressed every detail of this flight into her mind and knew, if she ever needed to create her Patronus again, this would be the memory she would draw on. That would cause her to destroy evidence or flee., Her word isnt enough though, not to get a warrant to search the house of Cora Navar, Tamara cut in. Great, he said enthusiastically. Still, throughout our tutoring sessions she never said anything like that and I know she tutored at least one muggleborn so if she shares any ridiculous views with her mum, she kept them to herself., Good, Emma said vehemently. Before either could react, a distant sound caught their attention. Im not sure Id call accidently causing your partners arms to dance instead of their feet and resulting in them punching you in the face counts competent, Belle French, a different Ravenclaw from their year said with a falsely thoughtful look on her face. She couldnt tell anyone about Mother, right? I know something else happened. Who died?. Sure, it could be that Emma was simply respecting the fact that they were in a library, but Regina didnt think that was why. Brilliant! the girl said before she grabbed Emmas hand and tugged her across the street. Once youve got all that, head down to the mine. Did she also feel like it meant more than it was supposed to? Now remember, its nothing too strong, mostly to help ease anxiety at the start and get you going., Perfect, thanks! he began to walk away, as if him staying any longer than necessary might make her re-think brewing it. Your aurors are doing a good job keeping officials and reporters and people who want revenge away from me. However, only five minutes later he made an awkward excuse to leave, saying he needed to get back to work. He smiled over at Lily who stared back a bit moodily, So lovely that Lily has found someone she doesnt have to keep secrets from. A number of students dont feel like taking a day off to go get their prescription changed at St Mungos.. Regina continued through the barn and out the other side deciding to go to the top of the hill, if only to make her astronomy excuse more legitimate. Regina took a few more deep breaths as she steadied herself as best she could before lifting her eyes to Emma, who was eyeing her with a mixture of respect and disbelief. Emmas eyes widened and she nearly choked on her third rock cake. Emma knew MM had mentioned that her family had one as well, it was still rather strange to have your friend summon one like that. She only let a few tears fall then, thinking how sad it was that this woman who did not love her father was the one saying these words she couldnt hear about him. Emma scoped out what she could of the house. I didnt even hear about everything until a few days ago. Then, she got angry. The consequences became obvious the next day when Emma went into the Great Hall and there was an audible dip in conversation before it rose even higher than before. Her wand warmed just slightly before a silver form burst from it. There was a very clear place to start and Emma knew it from the look she was giving her. First of all, Im gonna have to talk to Adrian about telling you that.. Yes, Mom. The result was that they were down to sixteen students and Regina was now the youngest flyer still in the tryouts. She couldnt handle all of this, it was too much. Your mums fault were in this mess. We have parents and relatives who live in their world, and we all live in this one, but isnt it really the same world?. Robes and a trunk, McGonagall replied briskly, heading for Madame Malkins Robes for All Occasions. I was a big fool to think I could get her out of my mind and fall asleep. All she remembered was Mary Margaret saying she didnt like it and that she preferred using the Floo network. When no one took food away from her or told her that proper young witches do not nearly knock their glasses over or admonished her from taking seconds, Regina found she was ravenous. She ponders which to wear to work today. And she needed to tell someone. And yet, there was something about this shop, even compared to the shops, this one seemed separate somehow, like it commanded more respect--like the bank. I yelled over the loud music (We somehow ended up near one of the loudspeakers). Can you tell that Ive got something for you? Emma was certainly trustworthy, but there was no way she actually suspected what was really going on. Regina quietly made her way there as soon as everyone was busy setting up inside so that she could have a private moment with him. What? Emma was confused. Her mothers chin? Emma was about two broom lengths behind Regina, but no matter how she pushed, she wasnt closing the gap fast enough. First of all, I want to take the opportunity to thank for those who read my previous fic which was also my very first. Emma moved to sit down next to her as she tried to wrap her mind around what Regina had said. Shut up, Regina said, quickening her pace and refusing to look at the blonde. Regina wanted to help Emma calm down. Despite not looking like the correct shape at all, the token fit in and stuck. May 31, 2022 . Here, I spread my arms and Emma fell into my embrace. She wrapped herself in it as fast as lightning to avoid any further inconvenience. Her and the opposing seeker were shoulder to shoulder now, not jostling as hard as they might for fear of catching themselves on the ground only a foot or two away. Luckily, they didnt seem that bad, so I carefully picked one for tasting and put it on a small plate to let it cool down. You should pursue your dreams, Regina, Papi said gently and sincerely. Just give me ten minutes! I yelled back. I didnt mean to take you away from that., Its alright. Nine days after she was born? She has her mothers chin if I recall correctly.. It was mesmerizing. She was dressed for a muggle hospital and was clutching her head. Once the assistant had finished ringing up the only other customer, she turned to speak to Regina only for the man shed previously been helping to continue to make small talk. Your parents included.. Regina always felt nervous that Mother liked to have muggles as servants for anything nonmagical. It wasn't rushed or obnoxiously passionate. Come on now, Silvia. I took a refreshing shower and after that, I put on jeans and a sweater and I walked downstairs. At first, shed blocked out the raised voices shouting, figuring it was some other kids playing around. Good. Consequence: A result or effect of an action or condition. Sometimes she cant listen to me or she feels the urge to dispose of some evidence of Mothers since she knows thats what Mother would have wanted and she tries to punish herself for not doing so. In Hogwarts, the school is divided into four houses, each house dorms together, eats together, takes classes togetherand with the rest of the school too, of course, but your house tends to be where you make most of your friends and who youll spend a lot of time with.. Did he think she was someone he had a potions project with? The last thing she wanted to be thinking of before she put on the Sorting Hat was Mother. They control the Wizarding banks, Gringotts is the largest. It was the fourth night we drifted off tangled around each other. Hooked Queen. Regina tensed waiting for one of them to speak. Really, you didnt know., Still, I feel bad. Then his somber look lifted and he snapped his fingers, I know, why dont you stay for dinner? What? Regina asked sharply, staring at her in surprise. Ruby threw herself forward, trying to draw the creatures attention away from Mary Margaret. Yeah, Id like that.. The smile faded from Emmas face and she pushed her glasses up to hide her discomfort, before she sighed. Now it really is time to add the valerian.. Because the other spell wouldnt work right on a baby.. Where are you? How?. They wandered the roof before leaning back against the stone wall about a meter high to catch their breath. Yeah, whats wrong? she asked and in the flick of a moment, her expression changed to a look of horror. Defense Against the Dark Arts is my favorite subject, Emma explained. They were here to win. How did you two meet?. Like a letter or instructions from your mother that might tell us how to break the curse. He couldnt help but look at her hopefully at the end there. Regina blinked as she moved her eyes away from the book she was reading, mind still trying to process all the information shed just learned. Eleven years old? It would be a very bad idea, not to listen to me, Navar, Whale said, leaning close, his voice filled with suggested threat. You make people potions, right? he asked with enough arrogance in his tone to make Regina wary. Regina wished she could see his face but Gold was refilling some of the ingredients jars and arranging things in the cabinet as he spoke, I had thought to owl you, Regina, but I ultimately decided against it. He looked at her briefly, their eyes meeting but his as always gave away little. Regina wouldnt stand by and watch any longer. She thought Emma was worried about being caught. The owner Tom eyed her a bit when he realized she was alone but didnt say anything, much to her relief. They exchanged phone numbers, so they could keep in touch. The brunette looked her straight in the eyes, Please Emma, what can I do to make it up to you?, Keep my next secret and give me some time. Then Emma smiled, And maybe give me some of that fudge your grandad sends you., Mary Margaret, Ruby and David all laughed at that. Shed probably also need to start ordering ingredients in larger quantities. Uh-huh. She didnt want to have to wake up each hour to take it again. For her. I dont know, why dont you tell me? Emma snapped back, raising an eyebrow. Whats something that your school doesnt teach that youd like to learn? Daniel asked, smiling like he was proud of his question. Its justIll be fine., Emma couldnt take the despair in her friends voice, the lie buried within it, that told her maybe Regina didnt think she would be fine. Mother? WAIT WHAT? Regina frowned, wondering why he was here, but slipped her wand away and scrambled to her feet to wait for him to reach her. Do you know how to play Bavarian Exploding Snap? Neal asked. Minutes later, I found myself standing in front of Reginas bedroom, fidgeting. I didnt know Lily had any friends in England. I hate them!. I did the same and Regina - instead of the expected disapproving look - giggled. She laughed and clutched him back. What are you doing here?. She looked pretty stuck up too. I I guess I could, could ask my friends to come help., Fine, whatever you need, Leroy stuffed his hat on his head. She felt like she stuck out, as though the fact that she was a reject was tattooed on her forehead. Leroy thinks I know how to break it, the spell, Emma said. James was raised by their father and David by their mother and neither knew of the others existence. It looks like a wand., That caught Lilys attention. Regina knew she couldnt out duel her Mother. No! Regina called out without thinking. Could I arrange to have it donated?, Of course, Grundran said promptly. It was thing to read about complex charms in class and another to see it performed in front of her. Uh, hi, Emma said, she never knew how to act around house-elves. 3. She's the perfect daughter standing by her mother when she was hell bent on revenge. Your mother picked out the name a couple weeks before she gave birth and she told my Red and I. Granny looked into the distance, remembering, Knitted you a nice blanket, I did., Emma looked at her, more stunned than she had been throughout the whole conversation. Regina ignored it initially, assuming it was an owl for one of the professors. One of Emmas arms wrapped around her waist at a gentle turn, and soon the other girl was molded against Reginas back. David slamned the door on it and Mary Margaret locked it in, just as they had the doxies. Puerto Rico, where most live, has a less strict Code of Secrecy. Yeah, I figured it was a long shot. Regina just stared at her, refusing to let Emma dodge the question as she became more convinced that Emma was here for her. However, he continued, we do not want to open a vault only to close it in a few months when something catches new your eye, how do we know you will be a loyal customer?, This was something Abby had told her about. fr delta i inlandet webbkryss / once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness. Ruby was pulling her down a hill, Granny teaches Care of Magical Creatures, but we cant take that until next year. Neal laughed again, replaced the spoon on its hook and went back behind the bar counter. Paranoid about accidentally getting stuck with one of the needles, she looked around as much as she could without moving. Do you want to come down to dinner with us? Emma tried to follow where they were going at first, but quickly changed her mind when she started to feel sick and just stared resolutely ahead. Thank me?, Emma almost forgot her annoyance in her glee at seeing Regina look so 100% thrown off. Thats how she really got the nickname Queen of Hearts., I watched her kill Daniel, Regina said. Shed gone back and forth with her friends in private about whether or not to actually go with August, but ultimately decided she was too curious to resist. Emma couldnt believe what she was hearing, but she knew she didnt need to hear anymore. Very powerful, nothing we could do to find you. The only problem was that I was not going to just lean back and she should have known that. Wed be in the same year, right? She relaxed slightly. She didnt even want to come in the first place and I even left my key at home. How did you even know where I live?, I have some connections in the muggle world, she held open the door to the caf for Emma. Was it only talking to her? Emma thought what they had been through made them special, not broken. Regina focused on keeping Char, her rival seeker, too distracted to notice that Ravenclaw was starting to take a significant lead. Leaving the flobberworm mucus on her windowsill overnight, under the moonlight, should have strengthened it, whereas only using six springs of lavender instead of eight should have tempered the tendency to cause dreams. His eyes glittered as he sneered at her, Worse in my opinion, since mudbloods cant help what they are, but blood traitors can., Emma felt herself tensing and she could feel the few students around her holding their breath, entranced by his words and how careless he was with them. Yes, Madame Pomfrey, Emma said automatically. Would you like me to show you to her?, Can I ask what happened? Okay, hi?, He seemed to realize she didnt understand and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. The next wand, ash and dragon heartstring, same as her mothers evidently, was taken from her after a very faint red glow appeared. In a raspy voice its alright with enough arrogance in his tone to make Regina wary new chasers it. 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once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness