ziegfeld girl trivia

After the songwriters demonstrated this change-of-pace routine at the home of the actress, her mother opined, "Well, I don't think so." got an MGM contract. Your email address will not be published. They became a radio programin 1932 and 1936 as The Ziegfeld Follies of the Air. Planned in 1938 to be made with Eleanor Powell, Joan Crawford, Virginia Bruce and Walter Pidgeon. Over a thousand people were employed in the production of the film, which required 16 reels of film after the cutting. 1910s, 1920s, beauty, fashion & clothing, female, portraits Filed Under: Hedy Lamarr, James Stewart, Judy Garland, Lana Turner, Picture of the Day Tagged With: Hedy Lamarr, Judy Garland, Lana Turner, Ziegfeld Girl Beautiful Marilyn Monroe Canvas Set (Amazon link) Comments have been temporarily disabled, spam was completely out of hand! Ziegfeld Girlis a 1941 American musical filmdirected by Robert Z. Leonardand starring James Stewart, Judy Garland, Hedy Lamarr, Lana Turner, Tony Martin, Jackie Cooper, Eve Arden, and Philip Dorn. Decca Records released a Judy Garland 78rpm record containing two songs from the score not performed by her in the movie: "Love" (music and lyrics by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane), a fervent air which Garland sang on radio the twice in 1945, then occasionally in her 1951-52 concerts as an encore, and two times on her CBS-TV series, The Judy Garland Show (1963): a duet with Lena Horne from the October 13, 1963 broadcast, and a solo version telecast on March 22, 1964. The music was written by Al Shean. She died of an aneurysm in Commerce, Mich., a nephew, Joe Eaton, said. Did I have anything to do with it? The final shot of the "You Never Looked So Beautiful Before" number is recycled from "A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody" from The Great Ziegfeld (1936). Sketches by Arnie Rosen, Coleman Jacoby, David Rogers, Alan Jeffreys and Maxwell Grant; Music by Jack Lawrence, Richard Myers, Herman Hupfeld, Howard Dietz, Sammy Fain, David Rogers, Colin Romoff, Dean Fuller, Marshall Barer, Carolyn Leigh, Philip . Original director George Sidney quit after one month of filming and was replaced by Vincente Minnelli. Thats why Ive always used the simplest of drapes. Most of the numbers are pretty good, especially Always Chasing Rainbows, sung marvelously by Garland, and You Stepped Out of a Dream, in which Lamarr looks particularly ethereal. What is her full name? That said, only one book is known to have been published during his lifetime. This rather than For Me And My Gal (1942) might be his first film. As parents, we share a desire to help our children look and feel their best. To this day, the British are referred to as "Limeys" by North Americans because of their use of the lime juice. Susan, a seventeen-year-old from a theatrical family, is discovered performing a vaudeville act with her aging father. Kiki Roberts, the lover of American gangster "Legs Diamond", was also a Ziegfeld girl. Ultimately, the movie received its Manhattan opening at the Capitol Theatre on March 22, 1946, and its wide release on April 8. The beautiful brunette appeared in the Ziegfeld Follies in 1925. Ziegfeld Girl is a 1941 American musical film directed by Robert Z. Leonard and starring James Stewart, Judy Garland, Hedy Lamarr, Lana Turner, Tony Martin, Jackie Cooper, Eve Arden, and Philip Dorn. Broadway's "Ziegfeld Follies of 1936" had employed two members of its creative team who later would collaborate on the MGM film. This film was first telecast in Los Angeles Friday 29 March 1957 on KTTV (Channel 11); it first aired in Seattle 9 May 1957 on KING (Channel 5), in Hartford CT 18 May 1957 on WHCT (Channel 18), in Honolulu 26 May 1957 on KHVH (Channel 13), in Portland OR 8 June 1957 on KGW (Channel 8), in Akron OH 27 September 1957 on WAKR (Channel 49), in Salt Lake City 28 September 1957 on KTVT (Channel 4), and in Spokane 21 March 1958 on KHQ (Channel 6); in Philadelphia television viewers got their first look at it 4 January 1959 on WFIL (Channel 6), followed by Altoona PA 30 January 1959 on WFBG (Channel 10), by New York City 22 March 1959 on WCBS (Channel 2), and by San Francisco 16 November 1959 on KGO (Channel 7. Although Ziegfeld had several affairs, Burke claimed that Lorraine was the only one that made her jealous. As he was born into a very affluent family of bankers, his turn to photography was a bit curious to everyone. . Ironically, MGM would buy the rights to "Show Boat" from Universal in 1942 and remake the musical, in Technicolor, in 1951 (Show Boat (1951)). James Melton filmed with a wet handkerchief in his mouth to protect his voice. Vincente Minnelli received credit as Scenic Designer of the stage show, plus additional credit as Costume Designer for two numbers written by Vernon Duke (music) and Ira Gershwin (lyrics): "Island in the West Indies", sung by Gertrude Niesen and danced by Josephine Baker; and "Sentimental Weather", sung and danced by June Preisser, her sister Cherry Preisser, and Duke McHale. MGM gave this film a two-week roadshow test run at a famed legitimate showplace, the Colonial Theatre in Boston, Massachusetts, beginning August 13, 1945. Taking into account the roadshow theatrical release, it is the first film to be nominated or win the Academy Award for Best Picture that has a running time that is longer than three hours. However, after negative reaction from preview audiences, MGM decided to cut the actual moment of death before the film's official release. Adrian is credited with designing the gowns in this film. Prologue: "That fabulous era--when Florenz Ziegfeld glorified the American Girl, and New York wore her over its heart like an orchid--while she lasted.". Ziegfeld Girl Brief Synopsis Three showgirls in the Ziegfeld Follies face romantic trials on their way to the top. "Mister Gallagher and Mister Shean" is one of the most famous songs to come from vaudeville, first presented by the duo in a skit set in Egypt. Original running time prior to post-production was 273 minutes. Norma Shearer (in 1919 and 1920), Alice Faye (in 1927), Joan Crawford (in 1924), Gypsy Rose Lee (in 1927), Lucille Ball (in 1927 and 1931), Phyllis Haver (in 1915), Eleanor Powell (in 1927), Ruby Keeler (in 1924), Hedda Hopper (in 1913), and June Havoc (in 1927 and 1931) were among the many hopefuls that the master showman discarded after auditions. The All-Star Cast includes James Stewart, Lana Turner, Hedy Lamarr, Judy Garland, Eve Arden, and Jackie Cooper. Leo then introduces Fred Astaire and the live action portion of the film begins. . Tweet Then in 1917 he met showman and producer Florenz Ziegfeld, and secured a contract to do all the images for the 'Ziegfeld Follies' for the next fifteen years . He began by painting and illustration at the National Academy of Design in New York. According to the trade paper "Hollywood Box Office" dated for November 23, 1940: "Sue Garland, sister of Judy, signed as a member of the dance chorus in 'Ziegfeld Girl'.". During the 1920s, three New York girls pursue careers performing in the iconic Ziegfeld Follies. Shean was maternal uncle of the Marx Brothers. Myrna Loy, who received second billing for this film, does not actually appear on screen until 2 hours and 15 minutes into the movie. Critics said she was the most beautiful woman ever to appear in the show. Trivia fact: One of the Ziegfeld girls in the film was played by Patricia Ryan, the future Pat Nixon. The only time she actually wore such a costume was when she started filming Annie Get Your Gun (1950), from which she was dismissed and replaced by Betty Hutton. Ziegfeld Girl is a 1941 musical film directed by Robert Z. Leonard. The following year, in a short subject named We Must Have Music (1941), which chronicled MGM musicals from 1929 through 1941, a portion of Judy's song and dance was included. He came back to MGM from UA, knowing that they had just shot Lana Turner's death scene. Ziegfeld Girl Trailer - YouTube Judy Garland, Hedy Lamarr and Lana Turner in "Ziegfeld Girl"For full review of film, plus pictures, comments and links. Sandra and Franz rush to her side as Susan, now a star, sings from the stage. Susan (Judy Garland) is a vaudeville performer who desires nothing more than a shot at the big. Ziegfeld Girl $2.99 $9.99 Product details Language : English Package Dimensions : 7.32 x 4.19 x 1.12 inches; 6.13 Ounces Director : Robert Z. Leonard Date First Available : February 4, 2007 Actors : James Stewart, Judy Garland,Hedy lamarr and Lana Turner Subtitles: : English, French, Spanish Pully as the one burglar. The theater that Ziegfeld built in 1927 on 6th Avenue and 54th (with financial help from Hearst) was used as a cinema from the 1930s and demolished in 1966 after a brief reopening. Ziegfeld Girl is a 1941 American musical film directed by Robert Z. Leonard and starring James Stewart, Judy Garland, Hedy Lamarr, Lana Turner, Tony Martin, Jackie Cooper, Eve Arden, and Philip Dorn. - Musical number: "We Will Meet Again in Honolulu" (music by Nacio Herb Brown, lyrics by Arthur Freed), directed by Merrill Pye, sung by James Melton, audio available on Rhino's CD and Warner Home Video's DVD. The "Here To Interview A Lady" sequence with Judy Garland, she references two actresses who were not under contract to MGM, Ginger Rogers and Betty Grable, although Rogers and Grable had worked at Metro at times in their careers. -"(We're Having a) Heat Wave" with Ethel Waters reprising the number she introduced the Broadway musical "As Thousands Cheer" - "Pass That Peace Pipe" (music and lyrics by Martin, Blane and Roger Edens) with Garland, Rooney, Ball, Walker, George Murphy, June Allyson, Gloria DeHaven, Gene Kelly, and Charles Walters (The song was later given to Joan McCracken by Walters when he directed Good News (1947).) Examples of this shade would now sell for around $4000. In the opening scenes with Shiela Regan (Lana Turner) as the elevator operator, she is describing to a friend her meeting Florenz Ziegfeld Jr. on her elevator. Garson's then-husband Richard Ney chimed in with "No, it's not for you, dear.". Despite his top billing, James Stewart is on screen for a total of roughly 26 minutes, accounting for only 19.7 percent of the film. He would return to the silver screen five years later in the classic It's a Wonderful Life (1946). A musical number sung by Garland, "We Must Have Music", was deleted from the final film. These stunning photos of Ziegfeld girls from the 1910s and 1920s that will transport you back to the period of the sexiest beauty of all time. A man is in court to pay a $2 fine for spitting on the subway, but his lawyer insists on fighting the case. The British discovered that giving sailors lime juice prevented the disease scurvy, caused by a lack of vitamin C. To provide enough juice for the navy, they built a large building on the northern bank of the River Thames in East London, England and staffed it with hundreds of imported Chinese laborers to extract the juice from shiploads of limes. She reports that he liked her ankles. Eventually, the fire brigade was called to turn stop it. Instead, Decca assigned the song to Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra featuring vocalist Helen O'Connell. Ziegfeld Girl (1941) Trivia on IMDb: Cameos, Mistakes, Spoilers and more. [5], Although many future stars started out as Ziegfeld girls, many others were turned down by Florenz Ziegfeld to appear in his revue. From a December 13, 1944 recording session, Decca Records issued a disc of Fred Astaire singing and tapping to a spirited song which he had written for the picture, a number which wound up on the cutting-room floor - "If Swing Goes, I Go Too". Despite his top billing, James Stewart is on screen for a total of roughly 26 minutes, accounting for only 19.7 percent of the film. Eugen Sandow is portrayed as a typically "dumb strongman". Viewers were not offered the opportunity to see these films in their original Technicolor until several years later. For the sake of continuity, Judy Garland is costumed and made up to resemble Virginia Bruce, who crowned the "Wedding Cake" set in the earlier film. Other Ziegfeld girls went onto societal and business successes such as Peggy Hopkins Joyce, Helen Gallagher, Anastasia Reilly,[2] Sybil Carmen, and Irene Hayes. - James Melton suggested he should do a number with either Garland, Jeanette MacDonald, or Grayson. The scene in which Susan Gallagher (Judy Garland) auditions for the Ziegfeld Follies is strikingly similar to Judy's actual audition for MGM in 1935. The beautiful costume sketches shown in the opening scenes are uncredited, but may have been done by the talented Adrian or his staff. Jimmy Walters: Soon as I saw you, I said to myself, that's a hot lookin' little number. Ziegfeld Girl Blu-ray delivers stunning video and audio in this fan-pleasing Blu-ray release An elevator operator, a wife of a struggling concert violinist, a born-in-a-trunk vaudevillian:. The only film directed by Robert Z. Leonard to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. ), had been performed on NBC's radio series "Good News of 1940". These showgirls followed on the heels of the Florodora girls, who had started to "loosen the corset" of the Gibson Girl in the early years of the 20th century. Produced by Mark Kroll and Charles Conaway. These shows were a mix of variety show, musical review, and vaudeville. I am looking for a better plugin than the one I had and hope to have comments back soon. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Unlike that film and the later Ziegfeld Follies, Ziegfeld himself does not appear as a character.[2]. Alfred Cheney Johnston died in a car crash near his home in Connecticut in 1971. This film was first telecast in Seattle Saturday 2 February 1957 on KING (Channel 5); in New York City it first aired 5 April 1957 on WCBS (Channel 2), followed by Norfolk VA 18 May 1957 on WTAR (Channel 3), by Honolulu 23 June 1957 on KHVH (Channel 13), by Minneapolis 3 July 1957 on KMGM (Channel 9), by Miami 17 August 1957 on WCKT (Channel 7), by Chicago 31 August 1957 on WBBM (Channel 2), by Philadelphia 27 December 1957 on WFIL (Channel 6), by Altoona PA 25 January 1958 on WFBG (Channel 10), and by San Francisco 13 April 1958 on KGO (Channel 7); it finally found its way to the Los Angeles airwaves Sunday 4 November 1961 on KTTV (Channel 11). - An "Album of Familiar Songs" medley with Garland, Marilyn Maxwell, Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson, Lena Horne, and Kathryn Grayson. Pully. Lorraine starred in several The Ziegfeld Follies' annual productions, starting in 1909, until her fame waned in the 1920s. Louise Brooks portrait by Alfred Cheney Johnston. She was born in New York in 1891, and died in California in 1951. Founding and history[edit] The machine producing the bubbles for the finale was responsible for one of the greatest filming fiascoes in movie history. Among the ideas planned in the film, but not used, included: - A spoof of the musical "Lady in the Dark" with Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney, Lana Turner, and Fred Astaire. This financial trouble at the end of his life forced Burke to pursue a career in film to settle his many debts but at least we got a good witch out of it. Otto Rahn And The Nazi Crusade For The Holy Grail, 15 Vintage Photos That Show How a Good of a Time Was Had While Sitting Under the Hood of a Hair Dryer. Doris Eaton Travis, Broadway's longest-running performer, is planning to waltz again at the New Amsterdam Theater for two nights in March. . Afterwards, teams of workers used large rackets to keep them under control, but the gas from the bubbles remained a constant hazard, and between each take Minnelli would order the soundstage's doors open so the cast and crew could breathe. 2015-2023 Anatomy Films, The 810 Intrepid Camera Large Format for the Masses. On the flip side of the Decca 78, Astaire sings the romantic ballad that showcased him and Lucille Bremer in the movie, "This Heart of Mine" (music by Harry Warren, lyrics by Arthur Freed). Sandra quickly becomes a star and attracts the attentions of her singing co-star, Frank Merton. While there, she was photographed with Myrna Loy, who was portraying Ms. Burke in the film. The idea for the film had been in discussion at MGM since 1939. In "Number, Please", the voice of Jeffrey Kirsten is provided by Peter Lawford in one of his first MGM assignments. His film version nearly a decade later was also a pioneering venture far in advance of any contemporary musical. When asked about her heels, Shiela makes a gesture with her cupped hand indicating he liked "round heels" a reference to women who fall easily into bed. Vintage Everyday He became very wealthy and famous because of his mail-order businesses, gyms, souvenir photographs, books, and personal appearances. Sheila, a former elevator operator from Flatbush, Brooklyn, is torn between her love for truck driver Gil Young and her suddenly wealthy life as a showgirl, including a Park Avenue apartment, press coverage, and expensive gifts from rich male fans. Other Ziegfeld stars, Eddie Cantor and Will Rogers are portrayed by actors in the film. Then in 1917 he met showman and producer Florenz Ziegfeld, and secured a contract to do all the images for the Ziegfeld Follies for the next fifteen years. Though the movie takes place in the 1920s the clothes are clearly from the early 1940s. Although he was quite well known for his nudes, he had stated, Ive never been interested in making lewd photographs. After she turns down Gil's marriage proposal, he joins a bootlegging gang and ends up in prison. William Powell played the role of Florenz Ziegfeld again in the 1945 film Ziegfeld Follies. Lena Horne hated the ghetto setting for Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane's "Love" so much that she refused to make a commercial single, although she would use the song in her nightclub act several years later. This was substantially more than it cost Florenz Ziegfeld Jr. to produce a whole show according to former Ziegfeld girl Doris Eaton. Check out our ziegfeld girls selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our photographs shops. According to Samuel Marx, an M-G-M executive at the time, this film cost $2.2 million and went on to gross $2.9 million, making it profitable but less so than it might have been with a more constrained budget. Brice's other comedy scene filmed for the picture, "Baby Snooks and the Burglar" (The footage was deleted and now is considered lost. Cast & Crew Read More Robert Z. Leonard Director James Stewart Gilbert Young Judy Garland Susan Gallagher Hedy Lamarr Sandra Kolter Lana Turner Sheila Regan Tony Martin Frank Merton Photos & Videos View All Louis B. Mayer liked Charisse so much and was impressed with her striking resemblance to MGM's Ava Gardner that Mayer asked Warner's if they could keep her and put her under a seven-year contract, and Warner's agreed. Ziegfeld Girl would (in my opinion) be worth owning on DVD for that . The music was written by Al Shean. Trivia:-Florenz Ziegfeld was a famous Broadway producer who died in 1932. The music to the film was provided by Walter Donaldson, Irving Berlin, and lyricist Harold Adamson, with choreographed scenes. He had gotten married, and although it was a struggle, he managed to keep afloat. She reports that he liked her ankles. La Danseuse des Folies Ziegfeld est un film ralis par Busby Berkeley et Robert Z. Leonard avec James Stewart (III), Judy Garland. He was married to film star Janet Gaynor for twenty years. But she was considered too old to cast by the studio. Ultimately the film cost MGM about $2 million to make, a huge amount in its day. "Pay The Two Dollars" was a Depression-era Willie Howard vaudeville sketch written by Billy K. Wells. Theatre Owned / Operated by The Shubert Organization. For the sake of continuity, Judy Garland is costumed and made up to resemble Virginia Bruce, who crowned the "Wedding Cake" set in the earlier film. Ziegfeld Girls were the chorus girls and showgirls from Florenz Ziegfeld's theatrical Broadway revue spectaculars known as the Ziegfeld Follies (19071931), in New York City, which were based on the Folies Bergre of Paris. The Decca flip side was the radiant ballad, "This Heart of Mine" (music by Harry Warren and Arthur Freed). Sheila becomes an alcoholic and is fired from the show after a drunken fall onstage. But after learning that Frank is married to a wife who loves him, Sandra reconciles with Franz and abandons her career to support him on a concert tour. The stage show opened at the Winter Garden Theatre and ran from January 30 through May 9, 1936, plus a return engagement between September 14 and December 19, 1936. "The Sweepstakes Ticket" sketch, written by David Freedman, highlighted Miss Brice's final Broadway appearance in "Ziegfeld Follies of 1936". While Judy Garland rerecorded for Decca the wistful standard, "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" (music by Joseph McCarthy, lyrics by Harry Carroll), the star made no commercial version of the lively rumba written for her by Roger Edens, a ditty turned into a mammoth Busby Berkeley production number, "Minnie From Trinidad." For more information on Funny Girl, visit the Concord Theatricals website. Their costumes had nothing to do with the song but reflected the craze for all things Egyptian after the discovery of King Tut's tomb in 1922. Ziegfeld ended up losing the bulk of his money in the stock market crash of 1929, and he died in 1932. Three women are plucked from obscurity to become Ziegfeld Girls. Jimmy Walters: Ah, one of them refrigerated dames, huh? 1941 film by Robert Zigler Leonard, Busby Berkeley, Green, Stanley (1999) Hollywood Musicals Year by Year (2nd ed. Deleted from the film was the original closing number, "We Must Have Music" (music by Nacio Herb Brown, lyrics by Gus Kahn), featuring Judy Garland, Tony Martin and Six Hits and a Miss. Gene Kelly is allegedly in the Judy Garland "Trinidad" sequence. A second test run began at the Nixon Theatre in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on August 28, 1945. Ive always loved that era of photography. [6], The survivors of the chorus lines of the last century are The Rockettes of Radio City Music Hall. Coincidently, Frawley's character in this film shares a striking similarity with his iconic character of Fred Mertz on I Love Lucy. Franz is rejected because his musical skills are too good for the job, and Sandra becomes a showgirl over Franz' objections in order to earn needed income, causing a rift between the couple. Susan Gallagher (Academy Award winner Garland--The Wizard of Oz, A Star is Born) leaves her . We welcome your contributions so please create an account if you would like to collaborate with other editor's in helping to shape this website. The on-air sketch, entitled "Bungling Burglars", had been broadcast on January 4, 1940 and featured Fanny as the precocious Snooks, with Hanley Stafford playing her exasperated Daddy. There is now a Ziegfeld Theater cinema right next to where it stood beside the NYC Hilton (often used for movie premieres). The theater that Ziegfeld built in 1927 on 6th Avenue and 54th (with financial help from Hearst) was used as a cinema from the 1930s and demolished in 1966 after a brief reopening. You're not the guy to defrost me either. But I dont think Ive ever seen an image of Pola Negri that was attributed to him. During filming, Venita Varden's costume caught fire while she was in the dressing room. Lana Turner's character was loosely modeled after real-life Ziegfeld Girl Lillian Lorraine, who once suffered a drunken fall into the orchestra pit during an extravagant number. Although Susan is less physically beautiful than the other showgirls, her enormous singing talent lands her a featured role.

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ziegfeld girl trivia